Support the Morton Helping Hand Endowment Fund
Providing support for the Needy and Most Vulnerable in Morton

Providing support for the Needy and Most Vulnerable in Morton
Morton Helping Hand Endowment Fund
This fund was started in September of 2011 by Todd & Kathryn Grimm. The purpose of the fund is to provide funds to organizations with a mission or a special project that supports the needy and/or most vulnerable in Morton. Grants from the fund may be used toward things like support of the purchase of provisions for food, clothing, shelter, health care, educational assistance, gaining self-sufficiency, or emergency assistance. Annual distributions from the fund are not restricted to the support of capital projects or the purchase of durable assets.
Something was missing. Mortonite and local businessman (Gold’s Gym owner), Todd Grimm, met with Morton Community Foundation (MCF) Executive Director, Scott Witzig in the Fall of 2011, to discuss how he could get involved in supporting his hometown through the MCF. After reviewing the current fund options and hearing some of the stories behind these funds and grants made from the funds, Todd was particularly touched by the story of a $600 grant made to Lincoln School for the purchase of small appliances and kitchen utensils. to help special-needs students learn to cook independently. This story gave Todd and his wife Kathryn the idea to start a new fund at the MCF. No fund existed specifically to support people of need in Morton. So, Todd & Kathryn started the Morton Helping Hand Fund. It was established to provide annual grants for generations to come, supporting the purchase of provisions for food, clothing, shelter, health care, educational assistance, gaining self-sufficiency, or emergency assistance.
Todd & Kathryn’s goal is to grow the fund larger and larger so that the grants generated will grow as well. They created the fund with a personal gift, but starting a fund at the Foundation opens up the opportunity for other like minded individuals to join them in their passion to support the needy.