“A man dies twice: once when the breath leaves his body and again when his name is spoken for the last time.”

Help us Remember SSgt Jacob (Jake) L. Frazier

“A man dies twice: once when the breath leaves his body and again when his name is spoken for the last time.” image




Help us Remember SSgt Jacob (Jake) L. Frazier

Support the Jake Frazier Scholarship at Central HS, and Illinois TACP Warrior families in need.

SSgt Jacob L. Frazier (Jake) was an Illinois warrior who made the ultimate sacrifice on March 29, 2003 in Southern Afghanistan when his Special Operations team was ambushed. SSgt Frazier joined the Air National Guard in Peoria, Illinois in 1997 as a Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) member in the 169th Air Support Operations Squadron. TACP training is one of the most difficult schools to complete with only ~20% of trainees successfully becoming TACP qualified.

This fund is to remember Jake – his passion for his TACP brothers, his dedication to his family, and his uncanny sense of humor no matter the circumstance.

At the 20-year anniversary event to remember SSgt Frazier, a group of current TACPs realized how few Peoria Air National Guardsmen actually knew Jake. They also realized that the $1,000 scholarship in Jake’s name might not last with so few individuals knowing Jake. Additionally, we know that Illinois Guardsman who deploy often leave behind families with home, vehicle, or medical issues that are unaddressed due to lack of funds. We don’t believe Jake would have liked this, and we don’t like it either.

So, in memory of SSgt Jacob L. Frazier and in support of the Illinois warriors, past and present, the Airmen of the 169th Air Support Operations Squadron have created this fund. Here are our priorities:

  1. Cover the $1,000 scholarship given in SSgt Jacob L. Frazier’s name to Central High School
  2. Support Illinois combat warriors sent overseas with any residual funds by helping take care of family emergencies. This could include funding for house, car repair, medical emergency relief or other similar issues.
  3. Support the TACP Foundation/Association with any residual funds to support TACPs and their families around the globe.

“Continue to honor your brothers, continue to honor them, it never ever gets old, it keeps that spirit alive.”Jim Frazier (Jacob Frazier’s dad, 2021 TACP Foundation Memorial Toast)

See below if you want to learn more about Jake or his career field:

2021 Memorial Toast: https://www.facebook.com/tacpfoundation/videos/904902130287891/

2022 Memorial Toast:



