Please Support St Jude Children's Hospital in Memory of Lanie

Help fund research for a cure for childhood cancers

Please Support St Jude Children's Hospital in Memory of Lanie image




Help fund research for a cure for childhood cancers

This Donor Advised Fund (DAF) was started in November of 2016 with proceeds from a special birthday party fundraiser organized by family friends to remember Lanie Riddle, on what would have been her 11th birthday, November 10, 2016. Lanie passed away on August 7, 2016 after battling brain cancer almost her entire life. Grants from this year will be designated to St Jude Children's Research Hospital and/or its various fundraisers in memory of, and out of the Riddle family's gratitude for all that St Jude did for Lanie.

Lanie Riddle was born on November 10th, 2005 to Jay and Darcy Riddle and was the youngest of their four children. She was diagnosed with a brain tumor at the age of 13 months and spent the rest of her 10 years on earth battling brain cancer off and on. Lanie lost her battle with cancer on August 7th, 2016, but she did not let cancer define her, and she rarely wanted attention for it. In fact, until she lost her hair near the end, it was hard to tell that she wasn’t a “normal”, healthy child. She charmed those close to her with her quick wit and sense of humor. Her smile and love for Jesus brightened many days and touched many lives.

Lanie received treatment at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, both in Memphis and at the Peoria Affiliate. St. Jude was like her second home. and she always felt loved and cared for there. Her family never received a bill from St. Jude and started this fund to honor Lanie’s life and give back to the charity that meant so much to them.